segunda-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2021

I love my family

 This is my family

My mommy is the best

My daddy is the best

Body and abilities

 From head to toe by Eric Carle

(a fun way to learn body parts and abilities)

Can you do it? Check this story!

Animals and colors

Brown Bear by Eric Carle
(a fun way to learn colors and animals)

Wild animals

 Can you do this?

Farm animals

 A classic...

Old MacDonald had a farm

My pets

 I have a pet!

quarta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2021

Halloween is coming to town

 Hello! Trick or treat!

O «Halloween» é de facto uma tradição importada, mas não dos EUA, como muitos pensam! Herdamo-la dos antigos povos celtas, europeus... Na sua génese, esta festividade está intimamente ligada ao fim do verão, à época das colheitas e à chegada do "fim"... Entenda-se do inverno!
Mas lembrem-se:
o fim é só o princípio de algo diferente!
Happy halloween!
Espantem todos os males que vos incomodam por estes dias e sejam (mais) felizes (a cada dia)!

To teachers...

terça-feira, 19 de outubro de 2021

BOO! It's Halloween time!!

"Five little monsters"

"Trick or Treat, give me something good to eat"

"The skeleton dance"

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

World food day
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Monday: one red apple; Tuesday: two green pears; Wednesday: three purple plums; Thursday: four red strawberries; Friday: five oranges; Saturday: ten different sweets and fast foods; Sunday: one fresh green leaf... 

Song "Do you like...?"

World's Animal Day

Animals are our best friends! "Let's go to the Zoo"

Let's practice!

domingo, 19 de setembro de 2021

Our routines (in songs)

Everything works better when you are singing (and happy)! Hello!
How's the weather?
Line up...

Nice to meet you!

It has been so nice to meet my (new) students, this past week. Welcome back to school!

Hello! How are you?

Hello! Welcome to this "new year" of challenges and adventures! HOW ARE YOU? Ms. Massa is GREAT!